
Permanent Shelter

Island Wise Details of Shelters in South Andaman
No. of Permanent Shelters to be Constructed by
 Name of Islands   C.P.W.D  A.P.W.D  NGO
 South Andaman  –  214  609
 Little Andaman  965  908  100
 Total  965  1122  709

Location Wise Details

Location No of Unit
Austinabad 168
Bambooflat 373
Mithakhari 29
Ograbraj 22
Nayasahar 73
Sippighat 19
Teylarabad 21
Badmaspahar 99
Chidiyatapu 19
Total 823

Details Of Permanent Shelter Construction At Different Location In South Andaman District

 Island Name Of Location Name Of Construction Agency No. Of Units to be Constructed No of Completed Units No. of Units
Alloted to
Remarks/No. of Units for
which Draw of Lots Completed
South Andaman Island Austinabad  1) CARE  168  NIL  NIL  NIL
Sippighat  1) CARE  19  NIL  NIL  NIL
Teylarabad  1) CARE  21  NIL  NIL  NIL
Chidiyatapu  1) CARE  19  NIL  NIL  NIL
Bambooflat  1) MATA  50  50  50  50
 2) HCC  152  50  50  152
 3) CARE  59  NIL  NIL  59
 4) APWD  112  NIL  NIL  112
Mithakhari  1) APWD  29  NIL  NIL  NIL
Ograbraj 1) CARITAS 22 NIL NIL NIL
Nayasahar 1) APWD 73 NIL NIL NIL
Badmashpahad 1) CARITAS 99 NIL NIL NIL
Total 823 100 100 373

Location Wise Details:

Location No of Unit
Harminder Bay 340
Onge Tikery 965
Farm Tikery 511
Netaji Nagar 157
Total 1973

Details Of Permanent Shelter Construction At Different Location In Little Andaman District

 Island Name Of Location Name Of Construction Agency No. Of Units to be Constructed No of Completed Units No. of Units
Alloted to
Remarks/No. of Units for
which Draw of Lots Completed
Little Andaman Island Harmider Bay 1) APWD  240  NIL  NIL  NIL
Onge Tikery 1) CPWD  965  218  218  965
Farm Tikery 1) APWD  511  NIL  NIL  NIL
Netaji Nagar  1) APWD  157  NIL  NIL  NIL
Total 1973 218 218 965